Dobbs: An innocent in the B&H controversy
Dr Marko Attila Hoare is the Member of the International Expert Team of the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada There is a scene in the film ‘Bean’, in…
Dr Marko Attila Hoare is the Member of the International Expert Team of the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada There is a scene in the film ‘Bean’, in…
Kao kanadska organizacija za zaštitu ljudskih prava i sloboda i kao glas žrtava i svijedoka agresije na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu i genocida nad njenim građanima, Institut za istraživanje genocida,…
ACTION ALERT As a Canadian based human rights organization, the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada is deeply concerned about Michael Dobbs’ blatant justification of the genocide committed by the…
As a Canadian based human rights organization, the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada is deeply concerned about Michael Dobbs’ blatant justification of the genocide committed by the Serbs on…