The Bosnian War and Genocide
The Bosnian War and Genocide: A Personal Journey and Perspective -CANADIANS FOR GENOCIDE EDUCATION- THE BOSNIAN WAR AND GENOCIDE: A Personal Journey and Perspective. A Presentation by Suzana Vukic 7:30pm,…
The Bosnian War and Genocide: A Personal Journey and Perspective -CANADIANS FOR GENOCIDE EDUCATION- THE BOSNIAN WAR AND GENOCIDE: A Personal Journey and Perspective. A Presentation by Suzana Vukic 7:30pm,…
Date: Friday, April 5th at 4 p.m. Location: Room G02, Annenberg Hall, 2120 Campus Drive, Evanston Please Join Us! Genocide survivors, activists and scholars from the fields of philosophy, sociology,…
Institut za istraživanje genocida, Kanada smatra da najavljena rasprava o radu Međunarodnog krivičnog tribunala za područije bivše Jugoslavije u Generalnoj skupštini Ujedinjenih Nacija 10.aprila 2013. godine nije u funkciji jačanja…