ICNAB: Statement
ICNAB: Statement about six individuals of Bosnian descent accused of terrorist activity The Islamic Community of North American Bosniaks – ICNAB, is an umbrella organization that consists of Bosniak based…
ICNAB: Statement about six individuals of Bosnian descent accused of terrorist activity The Islamic Community of North American Bosniaks – ICNAB, is an umbrella organization that consists of Bosniak based…
Life story of one hellish summer in 1992 year Alma Čizmić Clausen is secretary of the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada My name is Alma Čizmić Clausen,…
Da li su samo žrtve zainteresirane za krivični progon zločinaca Ajša Hadžimešić je član Internacionalnog ekspertnog tima Instituta za istraživanje genocida, Kanada. Svojim istraživačkim novinarstvom Ajša daje veliki doprinos istini…
OŽIVLJAVANJE ISLAMSKOG DUHA (VIDEO) Mersiha Gadžo, glasnogovornica Instituta za istraživanje genocida, Kanada, angažovanim novinarstvom u borbi za zaštitu ljudskih prava i sloboda U Torontu od 26. do 28. decembra 2014.…