RS: Human rights violations in heart of Europe
Republika Srpska: Human rights violations in heart of Europe by Nedim Jahić* 05 September 2013 It is the beginning of September and the start of a new academic year in…
Republika Srpska: Human rights violations in heart of Europe by Nedim Jahić* 05 September 2013 It is the beginning of September and the start of a new academic year in…
Prijedor: Lives from the Bosnian Genocide Panel Exhibit Opens in Williamson County, Texas The exhibit Prijedor: Lives from the Bosnian Genocide tells the story of genocide in the Bosnian city…
Prevazici Bratoubistvo: Politicke Mitologije, Ponirenja i Neizvjesna Budocnost u Bivsoj Jugoslaviji Dr. Srđa Pavlović je član Intzernacionalnog ekspertnog tima Instituta za istraživanje genocida, Kanada “Neki crnogorski i inostrani eksperti legitimišu…
Recently Published: Dr. Srda Pavlovic is the Member of the International Expert Team of the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada Transcending Fratricide: Political Mythologies, Reconciliations, and the Uncertain Future…