Windsor 2023

20 Photos


42 Photos

Remembering genocide in B&H, Toronto,2013

Remembering genocide in B&H, Toronto,2013
Sjecanje na genocid u BiH, Toronto, 2013

30 Photos

9. januar, Dan genocida nad Bosnjacima<br>9th January, the Day of Genocide against Bosniacs

9. januar, Dan genocida nad Bosnjacima
9th January, the Day of Genocide against Bosniacs

11 Photos

IGC at Islamic Coference in Toronto  <br> IGK na Islamskoj konferenciji u Torontu

IGC at Islamic Coference in Toronto
IGK na Islamskoj konferenciji u Torontu

11 Photos

David Petigrew in Srebrenica<br>David Petigrew u Srebrenici

David Petigrew in Srebrenica
David Petigrew u Srebrenici

4 Photos

Bosnian Statehood 2012<br>Dan drzavnosti Bosne 2012

Bosnian Statehood 2012
Dan drzavnosti Bosne 2012

19 Photos

Srebrenica 2012

17th Anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide
17 godina od Genocida u Srebrenici.

29 Photos

Srebrenica 2012

Peace March 2012 - Marš mira 2012

6 Photos

Genocide in Prijedor - Genocid u Prijedoru

Genocide Remembrance - Sjećanje na Genocid

41 Photos

Sarajevo:Personal belongs of murdered children - Licne stvari ubijene djece

Personal belongs of murdered children of Sarajevo
Licne stvari ubijene djece u Sarajevu

10 Photos

Bratunac: Murdered Children - Ubijena djeca

Identified murdered Bosniak children in Bratunac.
Identifikovana ubijena bosnjacka djeca u Bratuncu.

6 Photos

Sarajevo 2012 Memorial - Komemoracija

Memorial to Murdered Sarajevo Children, 1 March, 2012
Komemoracija za ubijenu djecu Sarajeva, 1.03. 2012

7 Photos

Sarajevo Feb/Mar 2012: Conference - Konferencija

Prof. Dr. David Pettigrew - Sarajevo Feb/Mar 2012: Conference - Konferencija

27 Photos

Peterborough, Ontario

Prof. Dr. David Pettigrew: Lecture in Peterborough
Prof. Dr. David Pettigrew: Predavanje u Peterborough

16 Photos


Genocide in Ahmici
Genocid u Ahmicima

12 Photos

Army of RB&H - Armija RBiH

20 years since the formation of the Army of RB&H
20 godina od formiranja Armije RBiH

20 Photos

Sarajevo 11541

Sarajevo Red Line - 11541 killed citizens during the Siege
Sarajevo Crvena linija - 11541 poginulih građani tokom opsade

24 Photos

Dallas 2012

Dallas: IGC at the Academy
Dallas: IGK na Akademiji

21 Photos

Remembering the Bosnian war - Sjecanje na rat u BiH

JON JONES: Remembering the Bosnian war 20 years later
JON JONES: Sjecanje na rat u BiH, 20 godina poslije

16 Photos

Genocide in Bijeljina-Genocid u Bijeljini

Genocide in Bijeljina-Genocid u Bijeljini

7 Photos

Sarajevo 1992-1995

Sarajevo Under Siege 1992-1995
Sarajevo pod opsadom 1992-1995

304 Photos

Mr. Carlos R. Steiner - Bosnia & Herzegovina

Canadian soldier Mr. Carlos R. Steiner in Srebrenica, Sarajevo and with the Mothers of Srebrenica Organization
Kanadski vojnik Carlos R. Steiner u Sarajevu, Srebrenici I sa Udruzenjem majke Srebrenice

25 Photos

Sarajevo: Conference - Konferencija

Conference "Mass rape as part of war strategy
Konferencija "Masovno silovanje kao dio ratne strategije"

5 Photos

 The international scientific conference - Međunarodna naučna konferencija

The political and military importance of the defense of Sarajevo from 1992 to 1995
Politički i vojni značaj odbrane Sarajeva 1992–1995. godine

9 Photos

Atlanta: 20 years of Independence of B&H - 20 godina od nezavisnosti BiH

Atlanta: Academy on the occasion of 20 years of Independence B&H
Akademija povodom 20 godina od nezavisnosti BiH

47 Photos

Toronto: 20 years of Independence of B&H - 20 godina od nezavisnosti BiH

Toronto: Academy on the occasion of 20 years of Independence B&H
Akademija povodom 20 godina od nezavisnosti BiH

27 Photos

Canadian Museum for Human Rights: IGC Photos - IGK Fotografije

IGC photos about genocide in B&H for display at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights
IGK fotografije o genocidu u BiH za izložbu u Kanadskom muzeju za ljudska prava

18 Photos

IGC Activities - IGK Aktivnosti

IGC Activities - IGK Aktivnosti

50 Photos

Roger Richards: Remember Sarajevo - Zapamti Sarajevo

Roger Richards: Remember Sarajevo (War Pictures)
Roger Richards: Zapamti Sarajevo (Ratne Slike)

51 Photos

BAACBH Visit - Posjeta BAACBH

Posjeta BAACBH

5 Photos

Bosniak march of truth in Ottawa - Bošnjački marš istine u Ottawi

Bosniak march of truth in Ottawa (10th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide)
Bošnjački marš istine u Ottawi (10-godišnjica Genocida u Srebrenici)

17 Photos

Dignity of women victims of war - Dostojanstvo ženi žrtvi rata

We must return the dignity of women victims of war
Mi moramo vratimo dostojanstvo ženi žrtvi rata

7 Photos

Meeting of the Canadian Bosniaks - Susreti kanadskih Bošnjaka

Meeting of the Canadian Bosniaks
Susreti kanadskih Bošnjaka

17 Photos

Toronto: Amor Mašović

Amor Masovic in Toronto
Amor Mašović u Torontu

6 Photos

TORONTO: Bosniaks of North America Meeting - Susreti Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike

Meetings of Bosniaks of North America in Toronto
Susreti Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike in Toronto

14 Photos

Brian Masse: Canadian MP in Srebrenica - Kanadski parlamentarac u Srebrenici

Brian Masse, MP, Sponsor Resolution of genocide in Srebrenica in the Canadian Parliament visited B&H
Brian Masse, MP, Sponzor Rezolucje o genocdu u Srebrenici u Kanadskom parlamentu u posjeti BiH

30 Photos

Training Researchers - Obuka za istraživače

Training of Researchers of Genocide, Toronto, November, 25 2010
Obuka za istraživače genocida, Toronto, novembar 25, 2010

35 Photos

Campaign for Resolution - Kampanja za rezoluciju

Campaign for Resolution for Genocide in Srebrenica in the Canadian Parliament
Kampanja za rezoluciju o genocidu u Srebrenici u Kanadskom parlamentu

15 Photos

Fragments and Sightings - Obuća i odjeća žrtava

The installation “Fragments and Sightings, October, 10, 2010
Instalacija djelova obuće I odjeće od žrtava genocida u BiH, oktobar, 10, 2010

31 Photos

10 year anniversary of genocide - 10 godišnjica genocida

March in Ottawa- 10th year anniversary of genocide
Marš u Ottawi povodom deset godina genocida u Srebrenici

45 Photos

Commemoration Ceremony - Komemorativna sjednica

Srebrenica Genocide Commemoration Ceremony, Toronto, July 11 2010
Komemorativna sjednica povodom godičnjice genocide u Srebrenici, Toronto, juli 11, 2010

26 Photos

Photo Exhibit - Foto Izložba (Srebrenica)

Photo Exhibit - Srebrenica: The Absence, Toronto, July 11 2010
Izložba fotografija, Srebrenica u odsustvu, Toronto, juli 11, 2010

11 Photos

Silent March - Mirni Marš

Silent March For Srebrenica Genocide Resolution Toronto, July 11 2010
Mirni marš za Rezoluciju o genocidu u Srebrenici Toronto, juli 11, 2010

35 Photos