Remembering genocide in B&H, Toronto,2013
Sjecanje na genocid u BiH, Toronto, 2013
30 Photos
9. januar, Dan genocida nad Bosnjacima
9th January, the Day of Genocide against Bosniacs
11 Photos
IGC at Islamic Coference in Toronto
IGK na Islamskoj konferenciji u Torontu
11 Photos
David Petigrew in Srebrenica
David Petigrew u Srebrenici
4 Photos
Bosnian Statehood 2012
Dan drzavnosti Bosne 2012
19 Photos
17th Anniversary of the Srebrenica Genocide
17 godina od Genocida u Srebrenici.
29 Photos
Peace March 2012 - Marš mira 2012
6 Photos
Genocide Remembrance - Sjećanje na Genocid
41 Photos
Personal belongs of murdered children of Sarajevo
Licne stvari ubijene djece u Sarajevu
10 Photos
Identified murdered Bosniak children in Bratunac.
Identifikovana ubijena bosnjacka djeca u Bratuncu.
6 Photos
Memorial to Murdered Sarajevo Children, 1 March, 2012
Komemoracija za
ubijenu djecu Sarajeva, 1.03. 2012
7 Photos
Prof. Dr. David Pettigrew - Sarajevo Feb/Mar 2012: Conference - Konferencija
27 Photos
Prof. Dr. David Pettigrew: Lecture in Peterborough
Prof. Dr. David Pettigrew: Predavanje u Peterborough
16 Photos
Genocide in Ahmici
Genocid u Ahmicima
12 Photos
20 years since the formation of the Army
of RB&H
20 godina od formiranja Armije RBiH
20 Photos
Sarajevo Red Line - 11541 killed citizens during the Siege
Sarajevo Crvena linija - 11541 poginulih građani tokom opsade
24 Photos
Dallas: IGC at the Academy
Dallas: IGK na Akademiji
21 Photos
JON JONES: Remembering the Bosnian war 20 years later
JON JONES: Sjecanje na rat u BiH, 20 godina poslije
16 Photos
Genocide in Bijeljina-Genocid u Bijeljini
7 Photos
Sarajevo Under Siege 1992-1995
Sarajevo pod opsadom 1992-1995
304 Photos
Canadian soldier Mr. Carlos R. Steiner in Srebrenica, Sarajevo and with the Mothers of Srebrenica Organization
Kanadski vojnik Carlos R. Steiner u Sarajevu, Srebrenici I sa Udruzenjem majke Srebrenice
25 Photos
Conference "Mass rape as part of war strategy
Konferencija "Masovno silovanje kao dio ratne strategije"
5 Photos
The political and military importance of the defense of Sarajevo from 1992 to 1995
Politički i vojni značaj odbrane Sarajeva 1992–1995. godine
9 Photos
Atlanta: Academy on the occasion of 20 years of Independence B&H
Akademija povodom 20 godina od nezavisnosti BiH
47 Photos
Toronto: Academy on the occasion of 20 years of Independence B&H
Akademija povodom 20 godina od nezavisnosti BiH
27 Photos
IGC photos about genocide in B&H for display at the Canadian Museum for Human Rights
IGK fotografije o genocidu u BiH za izložbu u Kanadskom muzeju za ljudska prava
18 Photos
IGC Activities - IGK Aktivnosti
50 Photos
Roger Richards: Remember Sarajevo (War Pictures)
Roger Richards: Zapamti Sarajevo (Ratne Slike)
51 Photos
Posjeta BAACBH
5 Photos
Bosniak march of truth in Ottawa (10th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide)
Bošnjački marš istine u Ottawi (10-godišnjica Genocida u Srebrenici)
17 Photos
We must return the dignity of women victims of war
Mi moramo vratimo dostojanstvo ženi žrtvi rata
7 Photos
Meeting of the Canadian Bosniaks
Susreti kanadskih Bošnjaka
17 Photos
Amor Masovic in Toronto
Amor Mašović u Torontu
6 Photos
Meetings of Bosniaks of North America in Toronto
Susreti Bošnjaka Sjeverne Amerike in Toronto
14 Photos
Brian Masse, MP, Sponsor Resolution of genocide in Srebrenica in the Canadian Parliament visited B&H
Brian Masse, MP, Sponzor Rezolucje o genocdu u Srebrenici u Kanadskom parlamentu u posjeti BiH
30 Photos
Training of Researchers of Genocide, Toronto, November, 25 2010
Obuka za istraživače genocida, Toronto, novembar 25, 2010
35 Photos
Campaign for Resolution for Genocide in Srebrenica in the Canadian Parliament
Kampanja za rezoluciju o genocidu u Srebrenici u Kanadskom parlamentu
15 Photos
The installation “Fragments and Sightings, October, 10, 2010
Instalacija djelova obuće I odjeće od žrtava genocida u BiH, oktobar, 10, 2010
31 Photos
March in Ottawa- 10th year anniversary of genocide
Marš u Ottawi povodom deset godina genocida u Srebrenici
45 Photos
Srebrenica Genocide Commemoration Ceremony, Toronto, July 11 2010
Komemorativna sjednica povodom godičnjice genocide u Srebrenici, Toronto, juli 11, 2010
26 Photos
Photo Exhibit - Srebrenica: The Absence, Toronto, July 11 2010
Izložba fotografija, Srebrenica u odsustvu, Toronto, juli 11, 2010
11 Photos
Silent March For Srebrenica Genocide Resolution Toronto, July 11 2010
Mirni marš za Rezoluciju o genocidu u Srebrenici Toronto, juli 11, 2010
35 Photos