LJETNI MAGAZIN – Emir Ramić, direktor Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada








TV Igman





Interview BIR TV

Canadian congratulations




Interview Radio BIR

Srebrenica 5, 2020

Srebrenica 4, 2020

Srebrenica 3, 2020

Srebrenica 2, 2020

Srebrenica 1, 2020

2.Sarajevo, January 09, 2020

1.Sarajevo, January 09, 2020

Sarajevo, January 09, 2020

For Defter hefte tv

Interview for Hayat tv

Interview for Bostel tv

Interview for Hayat tv

Interview for Face tv

Interview for Face tv

The Culture of Memory

Monument to the victims of genocide in Prijedor2

Monument to the victims of genocide in Prijedor1

For the culture of memory

For the culture of memory

Interwev for Nasa Rijec and TV BIH NY

IGC in Fikret Hodzic Promotions

IGC in Emissions Culture memories TV SA

IGC on TV Hayat

The Genocide in Bosnia in the Canadian School




Rape is a crime of genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Hava mother of Pridorka

31, 05. 2016. Chicago 2016/2

31, 05. 2016. Chicago 2016/1

Marsh of Peace, Toronto 2015

Emir Ramic at the 20th Meeting of North America

On CTV about Dejan Jovic

Prijedor – mezarija

Dusko Tadic, ICTY

Brisevo – Prijedor

Sudbin Musić

Genocide in Prijedor

Genocide in Prijedor

Srebrenica genocide2

Srebrenica genocide1

Emir Ramic – Never forget Srebrenica

Emir Ramic – Krug 99

Prijedor’s Killing Fields

Prijedor’s Killing Fields5

Prijedor’s Killing Fields4

Prijedor’s Killing Fields3

Prijedor’s Killing Fields2

Prijedor’s Killing Fields1

Statehood Day of BiH,Toronto, 2012

Emir R. KUD Merak, Toronto

Statehood Day of BiH,Toronto, 2014

Srebrenica 11.7.2012, Toronto

Ramic at the Academy for the Day of Genocide against Bosniacs2

Ramic at the Academy for the Day of Genocide against Bosniacs 1

Academy for the 9th of January

The crime of rape in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Celebration of BiH Statehood Day Toronto 2013

Report on mass grave Tomasic

TV RS on Census 2013

Celebrating 30 years of the BIZ Gazi Husrev-Beg Toronto

CNAB – IGC – Tampa Bay 2013

Killing Days – Prijedor

The day when we remember those killed women and girls Prijedor

Sarajevo Do not forget 2 May 1992

Bosnian Muslims

Scenes from Hell in Pre-Genocide Srebrenica 1993

Desperation and Resistance in Pre-Genocide Srebrenica 1993

Starvation in Pre-Genocide Srebrenica 1993

Srebrenica 1992: Bosniaks Under Siege

Crimes before tribunal:Prijedor

Emir Ramic in Toronto

Genocide in Vitez

Genocide in Stocu

Genocide in Prozor2

Genocide in Prozor1

Genocide in PG1

Genocide in PG2

Genocide in PG3

Genocide Vlasenica

Genocide Vlasenica

Operation Sana3

Operation Sana2

Operation Sana1

Genocide in Nevesinje12

Genocide in Nevesinje11

Genocide in Nevesinje10

Genocide in Nevesinje9

Genocide in Nevesinje8

Genocide in Nevesinje7

Genocide in Nevesinje6

Genocide in Nevesinje5

Genocide in Nevesinje4

Genocide in Nevesinje3

Genocide in Nevesinje2

Genocide in Nevesinje1

Genocide in Kljuc

Genocide in Bratunac

Srebrenica – A Cry from the Grave

Jovan Divjak, General from Sarajevo

Dobrovoljacka The siege and defense of Sarajevo

Performance by Suad Kurtcehajic at VKBI

Performance by Senadin Lavic atvVKBI

Obama Speaks on Preventing Mass Atrocities

MacKenzie and Bisset

List of killed in Ahmici genocide

Genocide in Ahmici

Bosnian war and Army of RBiH

Etničko čiščenje u Zvorniku 1

Florence H. and Ed V. against Carl Bildt at Red Line in Sarajevo

Sarajevo Red Line

Debate: “The nature and objectives of the Chetnik Movement”

Siege of Sarajevo, Part 1

Siege of Sarajevo, Part 2

Sarajevo Under Siege

Siege of Sarajevo

Don’t forget Sarajevo

Congressman Carnahan Pays Tribute to B&H

Sky above Srebrenica

Srebrenica 2010 Toronto, Tajib Pasanbegovic

Srebrenica 2010 Toronto, Aldina Muslija

Srebrenica 2010 Toronto Prof. Mr. Emir Ramic

Srebrenica 2010 Toronto MP Mr. Borys Wrzesnewskyj

Srebrenica 2010 Toronto MP Mr. Rob Oliphant

Srebrenica 2010 Toronto MP Mr. Brian Masse

A Walk with Ghosts

In the Land of Blood & Honey[Trailer]

As if I am Not There

Angelina Jolie-Anderson Cooper

Woman War & Peace-1

Woman War & Peace-2

Woman War & Peace-3

Woman War & Peace-4

Serbian Attempts to Conceal Evidence

Bosnia facing troubled future

CNN Witness to Torture Nusreta Sivac

Scenes from Hell in Pre-Genocide Srebrenica

Desperation in Pre-Genocide Srebrenica

Scenes from Hell in Pre-Genocide Srebrenica

Nobody was Crying, an eyewitness account

The Truth Behind The Dayton Agreement

The paramilitary group ‘Scorpions”

Srebrenica, by Tarik Samarah

Rob Oliphant, MP Bill C-533

Brian Masse, MP Resolution for Genocide

Rob Oliphant, MP Sponsor Bill C-533

Borys Wrzesnewskyj, MP

Brian Masse, MP Ottawa Press Conference

Rob Oliphant, MP Ottawa Press Conference

Francine Lalonde, MP

Leila Handanovic in the name of the survivors

Zeljko Milicevic, Chair of Justice for Bosnia Task Force