The Canadian Prime Minister and the most important political entities paid tribute on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide

The Canadian Prime Minister and the most important political entities paid tribute on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addressed the…

Continue ReadingThe Canadian Prime Minister and the most important political entities paid tribute on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide

Kanadski premijer i najvažniji politički subjekti odali počast povodom 25. godišnjice od genocida u Srebrenici

Kanadski premijer i najvažniji politički subjekti odali počast povodom 25. godišnjice od genocida u Srebrenici Izjava premijera Kanade Justin Trudeau povodom 25. godišnjice od genocida u Srebrenici Trudeau: Genocid u…

Continue ReadingKanadski premijer i najvažniji politički subjekti odali počast povodom 25. godišnjice od genocida u Srebrenici