Institute For Research of Genocide Canada is demanding the dismissal of European Union Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi due to open agitation against the Resolution of the UNGA on the genocide in Srebrenica.

• Institute For Research of Genocide Canada, PRESS RELEASE, May 17, 2024 Institute For Research of Genocide Canada is demanding the dismissal of European Union Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi due…

Continue ReadingInstitute For Research of Genocide Canada is demanding the dismissal of European Union Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi due to open agitation against the Resolution of the UNGA on the genocide in Srebrenica.

The international expert team of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada analyzed the amendments submitted by the Government of Montenegro to the United Nations Resolution “International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the Genocide in Srebrenica 1995”.

• Institute For Research of Genocide Canada PRESS RELEASE, May 14, 2024 The international expert team of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada analyzed the amendments submitted by the…

Continue ReadingThe international expert team of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada analyzed the amendments submitted by the Government of Montenegro to the United Nations Resolution “International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the Genocide in Srebrenica 1995”.