“ The Persistence of Genocide Denial in B&H”

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Society for the Philosophic Study of Genocide and the Holocaust 2014, in association with the APA Central Division, Palmer House Chicago. Thursday, February 27, 2014, 7:40 pm -10:40 pm. Panel: “Ethnonationalism and the Persistence of Genocide Denial in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Obstacles to ‘Existence’” Co-sponsored by the Bosnian-American Genocide Institute and Education Center, Chicago, Illinois. Moderator: Erik Vogt, Philosophy, Trinity College. Preliminary statements by genocide survivors: Mirsad Causevic, Senada Cvrk Pargan, and Ferid Sefer. Sanja Drnovsek, Director, Bosnian-American Genocide Institute and Education Center, Chicago. “Prohibited Memorials and Genocide Denial” Natalie Nenadic, Philosophy, University of Kentucky. “Genocide, Sexual Atrocities, and Denial” David Pettigrew, Philosophy, Southern CT State University. “The Role of Religion and Ethnonationalism in Genocide Denial: Engineering a Zone of Exclusion”