KU lecturer addresses the Bosnian Genocide


KU lecturer addresses the Bosnian Genocide on BBC 2 Holocaust Memorial Day show

“2015 will mark the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre, which took place in the heart of Europe and is a case of genocide unambiguously recognised by the international courts. So it is fitting that the UK’s Holocaust Memorial Day event this year should give such focus to it.”

Institute for Research of Genocide Canada is grateful to professor Marko Attila Hoare, a member of the International Expert Team of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada, for the continuous fight for the truth about the genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina and justice for the victims of this terrible crime.

More: http://riveronline.co.uk/ku-lecturer-addresses-the-bosnian-genocide-on-bbc-2-holocaust-memorial-day-show/