CALL TO ACTION: Due to the dramatic and catastrophic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Due to the dramatic and catastrophic situation that has impacted almost the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the worst flooding in the last 120 years and its subsequent landslides, the Congress of North American Bosniaks and the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada call for solidarity and support. In fact, some cities such as Maglaj, Brcko, Kljuc, Zivinice, Zavidovici, Srebrenica, Prijedor, some parts of Tuzla, Zenica, and Sarajevo are fully or partially under water. Also, many areas are affected by landslides, which have caused enormous damage to the already vulnerable populations of this region.
To date these disasters have claimed dozens of lives and thousands more are homeless and living in shelters. So we invite all our members and the entire Bosnian diaspora, to help in any way possible and to engage in assisting flooded areas and all disadvantaged families. At the same time, we invite the Bosnian and Herzegovinian organizations to seize the opportunities to gather their members, to forget their differences, and to commit to solidarity and humanity and to help our follow countrymen.
We are appealing to all those who are able to provide any assistance, and especially those of financial nature to be very careful where and how they donate their funds. Due to some reports of misappropriations of donations contributed by other organizations and individuals, the Congress of North American Bosniaks in cooperation with the Humanitarian Fund of Atlanta, will ensure that all donations make it to those who need help the most.
This Fund has for many years worked in a professional and transparent manner and is well known to the diaspora. All those who wish to donate can donate via PayPal (
Thank you for all your support in these moments of need.
Congress of North American Bosniaks
Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada