April Remembrance Month in Canada


At the end of April,  Remembrance, Condemnation and Prevention Month in Canada

The Canadian Parliament has adopted two resolutions regarding the genocide in Srebrenica. Also, the Canadian museum of human rights and freedoms set up an exhibition on the genocide in Srebrenica. The mayors of Hamilton and Windsor have made decisions to declare July 11 as a day of remembrance for the victims of the genocide in their communities. More than 20 years have passed since the greatest crime after the Holocaust in Europe, the genocide in Srebrenica. Canada as a county with the highest standards of human rights and freedoms is an example to other countries on how to treat these rights and freedoms. Thanks Canada

Genocide in B&H is the sin of mankind, and the guilt of criminals

Now that the facts of aggression and genocide in B&H  are clear, allowing the status quo to stand with the entity of Republika Srpska still in place will only encourage other joint criminal ventures around the world to pursue their monstrous goals, knowing that outcomes rewarding genocide are possible and in fact condoned by the world powers. When we compare the work of ICTY to the Nuremberg Tribunal, the material difference is that the Nuremberg Tribunal dealt with the institutional nature of Nazi transgressions and the need to eliminate the same.  Today, the Serb Democratic Party that carried out the war continues to participate in government, there are no laws against denial of genocide, the structure and the laws of the state still clearly reward for ethnic cleansing and genocide. But most alarmingly we, the international community, remain a willing party to a deal negotiated with terrorists. The denial of genocide is a greater spiritual defeat. For that misery of the human spirit justification cannot be found, neither can it ever be forgiven. Therefore, We urge all the people of the world to reject the glorification and denial of genocide. We must advance the spirit of a dignified life. We invite all the people in the world to help us to reach justice. Justice is essential to bringing back normality and stability. When people of different persuasions meet, it is our obligation to call people to peace and coexistence. Peace will reign between us when we all, no matter where we live, attempt to change what is within us – and when we accept each other and desire for each other what we desire for ourselves.

Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada