IGC files a criminal complaint against the mayor of Sokolac Municipality
The Institute for Research of Genocide Canada (IGC) filed a criminal complaint against the mayor of Sokolac Municipality, Milovan Bjelica, for glorifying convicted war criminal Radovan Karadžić.
The Institute for Research of Genocide Canada (IGC) submitted a criminal complaint to the Prosecutor’s Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina against the head of the Municipality of Sokolac, Milovan Bjelica, for glorifying the war criminal Radovan Karadžić.
The report was filed in accordance with the Law on Criminal Procedure of Bosnia and Herzegovina and due to the existence of reasonable suspicion that the Mayor of the Municipality of Skolac Milovan Bjelica committed the criminal offense of Inciting national, racial and religious hatred, discord and intolerance with his publicly stated views, which is punishable according to the provisions of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Acts of glorifying war criminals, in addition to being a criminal offence punishable under the provisions of the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina, cause damage to the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, relations between nations, and especially cause enormous pain to the families of genocide victims.
With his actions, the mayor of Sokolac Municipality, Milovan Bjelica, knowingly and intentionally publicly denied the genocide in Srebrenica, which was determined by final verdicts of international and national courts, with the aim of provoking interethnic intolerance, discord and hatred. The suspect thus inflicted pain on the survivors of the genocide, degraded the judicial, scientific and historical truth about the genocide, belittled justice and humiliated international law and international institutions.