IGC Letter to UN
January 31, 2022.
United Nations Secretary-General
Hon. Antõnio Guterres
Your Excellency,
Only mere two decades ago a genocide was perpetrated in Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Srebrenica genocide acknowledged by verdicts of the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, verdicts of several national courts and and recognized by the European Parliament, Canadian Parliament, Australian Parliament and the US Congress and Senate among many other world institutions. That this event occurred is a historical fact.
The fact that genocide happened on the European continent yet again, after the shameful events of the preceding century and despite the great efforts taken to prevent such tragedies, is a cause of great concern.
One of the stages of genocide is its denial. Genocide Denial is an integral part of the continuation of the crime.
Presently one of the your members – professor Yukie Osa, is publically denying genocide in Srebrenica. She coauthored an academic study denying genocide in Srebrenica.
Professor Yukie Osa, is a member of the Board of Trustees of United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). She is affiliated with your institution and her actions made United Nations again an active participant in the Bosnian genocide. Furtheremore, it made the United Nations an active participant in the new crisis in Bosnia and Hercegovina that this genocide-denial study helped inflame.
We are asking you, as the head of an esteemed institution, whose mission statement is the maintenance of international peace and security, to state the official position of the United Nations regarding the activities of Prof. Yukie Osa.
Dr. Emir Ramic
The Institute for the Research of Genocide Canada