28. 12. 2016.
“Kanadska vlada je pažljivo pratila razvoj događaja u Republici Srpskoj, posebno u vezi situacije oko antiustavnog referenduma koji je održan 25. septembra 2016. godine, koji je u suprotnosti s odlukom Ustavnog suda Bosne i Hercegovine. Kanada snažno podržava Opći okvirni sporazum za mir u Bosni i Hercegovini i posebno teritorijalni integritet i suverenitet države Bosne i Hercegovine u skladu sa međunarodnim pravom. Prema ustavu, Bosna i Hercegovina djeluje pod vladavinom prava i nijedna institucija ili organ ne može raditi izvan ustavnog poretka. U vezi antiustavnog referenduma, Kanada i ostali članovi Upravnog odbora Vijeća za implementaciju mira su objavili izjavu 15. jula 2016. godine, u kojoj se ističe da su entiteti obavezni da se pridržavaju odluka Ustavnog suda Bosne i Hercegovine. Kopija ove izjave može se naći na: http://www.ohr.int/?p=9604
Profesor Emir Ramič, direktor Instituta za istraživanje genocida Kanada se u ime Instituta i u ime bosanskohercegovačke zajednice u Kanadi zahvalio ministru vanjskih poslova Kanade. Profesor Ramić je posebno naglasio značaj kontinuirane pozitivne i konstruktivne uloge Kanade u odbrani i jačanju bosanskohercegovačke države, posebno njenog teritorijalniog integriteta, suvereniteta i nezavisnosti.
Kopija orginalnog pisma ministra vanjskih poslova Kanade
Dear Professor Ramic:
Thank you for your correspondence of July 19 and August 21, 2016, concerning Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Office of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also forwarded to me your email of August 15, 2016, on the same subject. I regret the delay in replying to you.
Canadian officials have been closely following developments in the Republika Srpska, including the referendum held on September 25, 2016, in contravention of the decision of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Canada is a strong supporter of the General Framework Agreement for Peace and of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s territorial integrity and sovereignty in accordance with international law. According to its constitution, Bosnia and Herzegovina operates under the rule of law, and no institution or authority can operate outside the constitutional order.
In the lead up to the September 25 referendum, Canada and other members of the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council released a statement on July 15, 2016, underlining that entities are bound to comply with the decisions of the Constitutional Court. A copy of this statement may be found at http://www.ohr.int/?p=96042
Having invested heavily in stabilizing the Western Balkans, Canada remains committed to seeing Bosnia and Herzegovina develop into a secure and prosperous multi-ethnic democracy, where the rule of law is firmly entrenched. In its engagement with Bosnian interlocutors, Canadian officials will continue to encourage Bosnian officials to take the steps necessary to achieve these goals.
Thank you for taking the time to write.
The Honourable Stéphane Dion, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Foreign Affairs