Muriz Spahić
Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Odsjek za geografiju,
Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
Rad je sukus prezentacije autora rada na Tribini Forumu bošnjačkih intelektualaca u januaru 2016. godine, posvećena toponomastici i toponimiji, sa posebnim osvrtom na karto-grafsku toponomastiku nacionalne geografije. Kartografska toponimija je satavni dio nacionalnog identiteta, vjerni dokument njegove etnogeneze sa geografskim horionom i predstavlja historijsko-geografske etape političkogeografskih transformacija na teritoriji Bosne i Hercegovine.
Kartografska toponomastika, kao nauka o geografskim (topografskim) imenima, sadržana na topografskim i geografskim kartama Bosne i Hercegovine predstavlja, pored ostalog, jezički spomenik koji je imao nasilinu izmjenu u kratkom vremenskom razdoblju nakon njene milenijumske opstojnosti. Kartografska toponomastika doprinosi razumijevanju historijsko-geografskog razvitka države Bosne i Hercegovine i jezičkog identiteta njenih ravnopravnih naroda i nacionalnih manjina.
Geografski prostor je podložan raznim transformacijama, pa tako i svim vrstama toponimija, zbog čega se one moraju evidentirati na kartama. Taj postupak pripada reambulaciji ili dopuni elemenata geograskih sadržaja na karatama, posebno onih krupne razmjere. Ovaj postupak je vremenski definisan i odgovara decenijskim periodima, najčešće onim godinama kada se vrši popis stanovništva.
Postupak obnove, dopune novih i revidiranja dotadašnjih geografskih sadržaja, među kojima i toponima vrše specijalizovane institucije i zavodi iz domena geografije, karografije i geodezije. Takvih specijalizovanih institucija za ovu namjenu, nažalost, u Bosni i Hercegovini nema, pa je posljednja nadopuna geografskog sadržaja na topografskim kartama krupne razmjere rađena, već davne 1974. godine. Pored dopune geografskih karata postoje i drugi procesi koji imaju konotacije nasilne, ne naučne i tendenciozne promjene ojkonima kojima se vrši zatiranje iskonskih imena na geografskim kartama.
Vise: 3-m-spahic-toponomastika
Muriz Spahić
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Department for Geography, Zmaja od Bosne 33-35, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
This written piece is the essence of presentation by the author presented at the Bosniak Intellectuals Forum Tribune in January, 2016, dedicated to Toponomastics and Toponymy with special emphasis on cartographic toponomastics of national geography. Cartographic toponymy is an integral part of national identity, true document of its ethno genesis with geographic horion and represents the historical and geographical stages of political transformations on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Cartographic toponomastics, as the science of geographic (topographic) names, contained on the topographic and geographic maps of Bosnia and Herzegovina is, among other things, language monument that had a violent exchange in a short period of time after its millennial existence. Cartographic toponomastics contributes to the understanding of the historical and geographical development of Bosnia and Herzegovina and linguistic identity of its equal nations and national minorities.
The geographical area is subject to various transformations, including all types of toponymy, which is why they must be recorded on maps. This process belongs to the readjustment or supplementation of the elements of geographical content on maps, especially those of large-scale. This process is time-defined and corresponds to periods of decades, most often those years during which a census is conducted.
The process of renovation, supplementation of new and revision of previous geographic content, including toponymy is performed by a specialized institutions and institutes in the field of geography, cartography and geodesy. Such specialized institutions for this purpose, unfortunately, are not present in Bosnia and Herzegovina, so the last update of geographic contents on topographic maps of large-scale was performed way back in 1974. In addition to the supplementation of the geographic maps there are other processes that have connotations of violent, non-scientific and tendentious changes of oikonymes that result in the disappearance of the primordial names on geographic maps.