No compromise on Bosnian Genocide

Response of the Institute for Research Genocide {IGC}, Canada for  a proposal for possible compromise

 The proposal for possible compromise

“We are aware that our speaker contests the findings by international courts at the highest level that the most terrible war crimes were committed on a systematic basis by Serb nationalists in Bosnia during the 1992-1995 war.  We wish to make clear that we as the Center for Peace and Justice acknowledge the substance of the finding by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia that genocide was committed at Srebrenica, as confirmed by the ICJ, we also acknowledge the existence of death camps where the killing of Bosnian Muslims and Bosnian Croats took place as confirmed in the same ruling, and we acknowledge the finding of the ICTY that rapes formed part of a campaign of systematic attacks by Serb forces on the Muslim civilian population. Accordingly we cannot subscribe to any views that deny these legal findings.” [systematic rape – Kunarac et al judgment].

Response of the Institute for Research Genocide, Canada

After consultations with members of the Governing board of the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada, which is the voice of the victims of Bosnian genocide, who live in North America,  I inform you about our decision:

Institute for Research Genocide, Canada believes that there should be no compromise about the genocide in Srebrenica, which was confirmed at both the international tribunals in The Hague, no compromise about existence of concentration-death camps and no compromise about systematic rape of Bosniak women.

Institute for Research Genocide Canada remains with the principle of not offering a platform to a war-crimes apologist.


Emir Ramic

Director of the Institute for Research Genocide, Canada