IGK: Pozivamo sve prijatelje istine i pravde da se pridruže otkrivanju spomenika žrtvama genocida u Srebrenici u Windsoru. Dođite i svojim prisustvoma dajte doprinos pobjedi istine i pravde u Kanadi. Neizmjernu zahvalnost iskazujemo Bosanskohercegovačkom klubu Windsor za kontinuiranu podršku u procesu lobiranja za istinu i pravdu. Posebnu zahvalnost iskazujem organizatorima podizanja spomenika žrtvama genocida u Srebrenici.
IGC: We invite all friends of truth and justice to join for the unveiling of the monument. to the victims of genocide in Srebrenica in Windsor. Come and give your contribution to the victory of truth and justice in Canada. We would like to thank all the activists of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Club Windsor for their continuous support in lobbying for the truth and justice. We would like to express our particular gratitude to the organisers of building this monument to the Srebrenica genocide victims.