Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada poziva sve prijatelje istine o agresiji na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu i genocida nad njenim građanima da pošalju pismo Generalnom sekrtaru OUN.
Slanjem pisma izražavamo razočarenje zbog prisustva Generalnog sekretara UN Ban Ki-moona na koncertu koji je održan u Ujedinjenim nacijama, a koji je organizovao Vuk Jeremić. Koncert je bio skandalozno ponižavanje žrtava agresije na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu i genocida nad njenim građanima, jer je orkestar svirao ozloglašenu i nasilničku srpsku nacionalističku pjesmu “ Marš na Drunu”, uz koju su počinjeni največi zločini poslije Drugog svijetskog rata u Europi zločini, agresije na međunarodno priznatu državu Bosnu i Hercegoinu i genocid nad Bošnjacima i Hrvatima. Podsjećam da su genocid, silovanja, ubistva, mućenja u koncentracionim logorima smrti i etničko čišćenje nesrpskog stanovništv izvršavani od strane srpskih nacionalista upravo uz tu pjesmu. Ta je pjesma korištena u cilju motiviranja i potpaljivanja mržnje protiv nesrpskog stanovništva, a navela je na ubijanje na hiljade Bošnjaka i Hrvata. Ista pjesma je odzvanjala hodnicima Ujedinjenih nacija u New York-u, a članovi Ujedinjenih nacija su je punog srca podržali, pa se poslije javno izvinuli.
Please copy and e-mail this letter of protest to UN SG Ban ki Moon to the following e-mail addresses in his Executive Office and share with your friends: malcorra@un.org, haysom@un.org, kaneko@un.org
Subject line: Show Respect for Genocide Victims and Remove “March on Drina” From UN’s Website
“H.E. Ban Ki-moon
Secretary General
United Nations
Your Excellency,
I would like to express my strongest protest at your implicit endorsement of a scandalous incident at the concert held at the United Nations that was organized by Vuk Jeremic, President of the UN General Assembly. The rendition of a war-mongering hymn of Serb extremist forces “Mars na Drinu” was a scandalous insult to the victims of genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).
This particular war-mongering song was used to inspire ethnic and nationalist hatred against non-Serbs and was used as a tool to inspire the murder and rape of thousands of non-Serb civilians, culminating in genocide in Srebrenica, Zepa and elsewhere in Boosnia. A chilling example of this comes from the US State Department Seventh Report on War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia:
“Day and night, soldiers came to the house taking two to three women at a time. They were four to five guards at all times, all local Foca Serbs. The woman knew the rapes would begin when ‘Mars na Drinu’ was played over the loudspeaker of the main mosque. (‘Mars na Drinu,’ or ‘March on the Drina’, is reportedly a former Chetnik fighting song that was banned during the Tito years.)
While ‘Mars na Drinu’ was playing, the women were ordered to strip and soldiers entered the homes taking the ones they wanted. The age of women taken ranged from 12 to 60. Frequently the soldiers would seek out mother and daughter combinations. Many of the women were severely beaten during the rapes.”
It is deplorable that the same song echoed last night at the United Nations with the wholehearted support of the UN, especially due to the shameful role of the United Nations in the genocide committed by Serb forces in Srebrenica.
It is unbearable for victims to see the United Nations Hall be used for a performance of a warmongering song under which the war crimes and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina have been committed.
Mr. Secretary, we urge you and the United Nations to issue a public apology to all the victims of war crimes in BiH committed in the name of Serbian nationalism and remove the video containing the song from the official UN page. The extremism of Vuk Jeremic is, unfortunately, known to all of us, but it is simply unacceptable for you and the United Nations to participate and support it.”