July 10, 2016.
Press release of the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada on the occasion of the 21th anniversary of the Srenrenica genocide
It is a historic fact, established and proven in scientifically relevant and professional (judicial) studies, that the crime of genocide was committed in the territory of the Untied Nations – United Nations Safe Area Srebrenica (town and the broader region) in July 1995 against the Muslims – Bosniacs of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, members of the national, ethnic, religious group as such. The outcome of the fascistic aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, extent, scope, and the consequences of the crime of genocide left deep traces on all the genocide victims, and the trail of shame of a contemporary civilization and culture.
This crime of genocide is among other things manifested in the worst forms of demographic figures of the autochthone domicile population, whereby the reproductive continuity of Bosniac people was interrupted (three generations of Bosniacs were either killed or injured). Genocide partly destroyed Bosniacs. Srebrenica was taken by force, then populated by Serb population, even from the Republic of Serbia, that has nee before lived in that region. In this way, the criminals were also rewarded in the composition of population, in the territory of Srebrenica. Nowadays, they dominate in the territory of Srebrenica, and as such participate in setting up of local authorities that should create living conditions and facilitate working conditions, which would allow the return of survivors, expelled Bosniacs, while offering some perspectives. Is this possible? Is it possible that the designers of future and common living between criminals and genocide victims be those who committed the worst forms of crimes against humanity and international law, including the crime of genocide? Unfortunately, it seems not only that is possible, but this is rather a reality of facts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the individuals, nominees for the position of the Major of Srebrenica, come from among the criminals and those who permanently and every day deny genocide. But, at the end of the World War II, the common living between Jews, Holocaust victims, and Nazis, perpetrators of that and other crimes, was not possible.
Considering the fact that the crime of genocide was committed in Srebrenica, and that from among the survivors, wives and children of the killed Bosniacs dominate, the only correct and fair solution would be that Srebrenica has a special status in the constitutional order of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This special status is the only possible solution to maintain biological survival, dignity, and to defend the honor of the surviving genocide victims. With the model of special status of Srebrenica, where the genocide was committed in Europe at the end of the 20th century, it is possible to open perspectives for common living of Bosniacs and Serbs, acknowledging the contemporary civilization development and highest cultural values that should decorate the contemporary world, civilization, and culture. This is also a basic message of the genocide scholars addressed to the member states of the United Nations Security Council, European union, and NATO, particularly Canada.
Dr. Emir Ramić
Chairman of the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada