Press Release regarding Serbian president’s genocide denial
The Congress of North American Bosniaks (CNAB) along with the Institute for Research of Genocide and the Advisory Council for Bosnia and Herzegovina (ACBH) condemn the recent comments made by Serbia’s new right wing radical president, Tomislav Nikolic where he denies the genocide that occurred in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). President Nikolic, a Slobodan Milosevic ally and successor of Vojislav Seselj – former leader of the Chetnik movement in Serbia who is currently held at The Hague for war crimes that he committed in BiH and Croatia, won Serbia’s presidential elections on the promise of solving Serbia’s economic problems and stating that Serbia would not waiver from its path towards the EU. Undoubtedly, the denial of the Srebrenica genocide and calling Vukovar – a town in Croatia that was bombed by the Serbian army in the 1992 war a “Serb town” clearly outlines President Nikolic’s policy towards BiH, Croatia and the EU.