Minister of National Defence


Response  to our correspondence addressed to the Minister of National Defence about the training targets used at Canadian Forces Base Suffield

The Institute for Research of Genocide Canada and the Congress of North American Bosniacs in response to an urgent letter regarding the information that the Canadian government commissioned targets for the exercise of British soldiers, including the targets called “Bosnian Male”received third written response  from the government of Canada.

“I am writing in response to your correspondence addressed to the Minister of National Defence about the training targets used at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Suffield. I regret the delay in replying. As part of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Canada and the Government of the United Kingdom (UK), Canadian agencies and departments support British Army Training Unit Suffield (BATUS) for a vast majority of contracting and logistical support requirements. The purchase of UK mechanical and automated target systems falls into that category. Furthermore, all tendered contracts are facilitated for BATUS by Public Works and Government Services Canada, and CFB Suffield purchases the targets for BATUS use. I am advised that the targets are sold using names such as “Bosnian Male.” The naming of the targets is the responsibility of the manufacturers, which are private companies. The Department of National Defence requested that the product codes be removed when the impropriety of the descriptions was brought to our attention. We also contacted the vendor about our concerns, and the vendor has agreed to review the descriptions of the targets.

I hope that this information is helpful”.

Yours sincerely,

  1. L. Surtees

Defence Corporate Secretary