The Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau paid tribute to the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina
“It is with great pleasure that I join Bosnian Herzegovinian Canadians in celebrating Bosnia’s National Statehood Day. Canada is privileged to have a vibrant Bosnian community. Over the years, Bosnia n Herzegovinian Canadians have thrived and contributed greatly to Canadian society, while maintaining important traditional ties to their country of origin that have uniquely shaped the rich cultural heritage of their community. Today is an important opportunity for Canadians of Bosnian descent to reconnect with, and celebrate their heritage and serves as a wonderful occasion for Canadians of all backgrounds to gain a deeper understanding of Bosnian culture. This year, we faced significant challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic. While our celebrations may be smaller in attendance than in previous years, they still hold the same significance and meaning. Please accept my best wishes for a wonderful celebration. Happy Bosnian Statehood Day”! Right Hon. Justin Trudeau
“It is my continued privilege to extend warm greetings to the Bosnian community in Hamilton on the occasion of Statehood Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 1943 the peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina expressed their desire to see Bosnia and Herzegovina as the future expression of their nationhood.Each year on November 25, the peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina express their gratitude for the freedoms they have earned and possess. As a people they remain an important example of what can be accomplished in a democratic world.We appreciate the ongoing contribution of the peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the diversity and cultural dynamic of the City of Hamilton. We are grateful that you have chosen Hamilton as your home. Wishing you continued well being and success in Hamilton”. Fred Eisenberger Mayor of Hamilton
“I wish to extend my sincere congratulations to the Bosnian community in recognizing November 25th as a special day for Bosnian people who live in Hamilton and all over the world, being Bosnia’s National Statehood Day.This day is significant and symbolizes a groundbreaking historical moment for contemporary Bosnia and Herzegovina as it confirms Bosnian statehood – including its legal, political and social endurance, and elevation. Bosnia and Herzegovina has embedded in itself a centuries-old tradition of mixing different cultures, practices, and religions, bringing all this uniqueness in Bosnian spirituality which has helped her survive today and hopefully for many more centuries to come. I commend the communities of Bosnia and Herzegovina for standing strong and united and continuing to recognize the importance of this day every year”. Councillor Maria Pearson