December 31, 2104
Dear Friends of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada {IGC}
On behalf of the IGC Board and International Expert Team I would like to thank you for supporting IGC in 2014, and we wish you and your loved ones a joyous and prosperous 2015.
IGC would like to thank you to all the members of the Board and the International Expert Team for significant contribution to the realization of the mission IGC, and that is: analysis the crimes against peace, crime of genocide, and other grave breaches of international law from the historical, legal, sociological, criminology, economic, demographic, psychological, political, cultural, medical, environmental, and other aspects of relevance for the complete research of crimes, and promotion of the truth and justice, the protection and strengthening of basic human rights, and the promotion of freedom in the world in the last year.
IGC is especially grateful to Congress of North American Bosniaks {CNAB}, International Association of Genocide Scholars, Canadian Museum for Human Rights, Association “World without Genocide “, Institute for Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law – University of Sarajevo, Bosnian Culture Community “Preporod”, Advisory Council for Bosnia and Herzegovina (ACBH), American Institute for Genocide Research and Education, and many other organizations, communities and individuals for outstanding contribution to achieving the mission of IGC in 2014 year.
In the coming year IGC will give a special tribute to the 20th anniversary of the greatest crimes after the Holocaust in Europe, the genocide in Srebrenica.
Thank you once again for your continued support.
With sincere gratitude and best wishes in 2015.
Emir Ramic