ACTION ALERT Sutorina belongs to B&H
ACTION ALERT: Sutorina belongs to B&H We invite the BiH diaspora to help in the fight to preserve the territorial integrity of BiH, to return Sutorina to BiH We urge…
ACTION ALERT: Sutorina belongs to B&H We invite the BiH diaspora to help in the fight to preserve the territorial integrity of BiH, to return Sutorina to BiH We urge…
Emir Ramić,direktor Instituta za istraživanje genocida, Kanada {IGK} : Čovjek bez domovine je mrtav čovjek! Profesora Emira Ramića iz Prijedora koji već godinama živi i radi u Kanadi, njegovi prijatelji…
The article of Dr Marko Attila Hoare 'Towards an Explanation for the Bosnian Genocide of 1992-1995' has been published in the LSE journal Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism Dr…
December 14, 2014. The letter to ArcelorMittal’s chief executive Mr.Mladen Jelaca The chief executive of ArcelorMittal Mr. Mladen Jelaca commenting at a special event held to mark the occasion of…