22 years from the aggression against RB&H


On the occasion of 22 years from the aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and genocide against its citizens, the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada reminds the world – do not forget.

Numerous relevant sources of different provenance reliably suggest the two initial and basic, essential fundamental assumptions and provisions for the contemporary events and episodes in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the end of XX century: First, a classic armed aggression was conducted against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, that is, it was crime against peace and safety of mankind which is according to the basic understanding and definition an international armed conflict and Second, the gravest crime – crime of genocide was committed in the occupied territory of the independent and universally recognized Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a member of the United Nations, as well as towns under siege, and against Bosniacs.

More: Da se ne zaboravi, Serija 1, Genocid u BiH