Mr. Christian Schmidt
March 08, 2023
High Representative
The Office of the High Representative Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Your Excellency,
We are writing to you because of your statement that claims there are no similarities between 1992 and 2023 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
We want to inform you that sadly there exist many similarities, because the same secessionist movements now as 1992 want to dismember the country.
Furthermore, the International Community IC has the same view now about the sovereignty of Bosnia and Herzegovina as it did in 1992: e.g. you claim in your statement there is no need to defend the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina with weapons.Your position now is the same position of the International Community towards Bosnia and Herzegovina from the year 1992.
In 1992 the International Community imposed a weapons embargo on Bosnia and Herzegovina preventing the country from defending itself from an armed aggression similar to the aggression Ukraine is facing now.
In this same statement you label the mass murders, mass rapes, concentration camps, ethnic cleansing that occured 1992 in Bosnia as “horrible circumstances”. This minimizes and relativizes the most horrendous war crimes ever. It is yet another similarity to what occured in 1992,1993,1994 and materialized in the Genocide in Srebrenica in 1995: minimalization, relativization and false presentation (genocide denial).
The Genocide in Srebrenica occured after the Army of Bosnia and Hercegovina in Srebrenica got disarmed by the International Community that claimed there is no need for them to be armed, because they will be protected by the UN troops. They were not protected.
The Genocide in Srebrenica occured with the assistance of UN soldiers that helped the Serb forces in killings by identifying and separating men from their families.
The whole purpose of the armed forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina is to defend the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina with use of weapons and you claim that there is no such need:
Are you planning to disarm the Armed Forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Sincerely Yours,
Emir Ramic
The Institute for the Research of Genocide Canada