IGC supports VMGB


Institute for Research of Genocide Canada supports project Virtual Museum of Genocide upon Bosniaks

Mr Fatmir Alispahic and Dr Selma Rizvic are member of the International Expert Team of the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada

Virtual Museum of Genocide upon Bosniaks

mr Fatmir Alispahic
dr Selma Rizvic

Bosniaks are a nation of Slavic origin and Islamic religion. They live in the Western Balkans region, in states of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia. Some of them also live in Croatia and Slovenia and many of them in world wide Diaspora. Waves of genocide over this small nation have been happening since 1693, culminating by aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992.Virtual Museum project has a goal to veritably present these facts, covered up for many years by many regimes, to the general public and prevent such events from happening ever again to anybody.

