Parenti, samozvani ”Balkanski revizionista” i autor knjige “Ubiti naciju: napad na Jugoslaviju”, negira genocid, sistemska i organizovana silovanja, etničko čišćenje i druge oblike zločina protiv čovječnosti i ratne zločine koji su se dogodili u Bosni i Hercegovini. Također okrivljuje Bošnjake za genocid u Srebrenici. Kao rezultat negiranja genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini, on javno zanemaruje i negira činjenicu da je između 20,ooo i 50.000 Bošnjakinja silovano za tri godine agresije na Bosnu i Hercegovinu kao sastavni dio srpske politike etničkog čišćenja u uništenja bošnjačkog naroda i države Bosne i Hercegovine. Njegovo negiranje genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini je u suprotnosti sa odlukama oba međunarodna suda u Hagu i više nacionalnih sudova koji potvrđuju zločin agresije na Bosnu i Hercegovinu i genocida nad njenim građanima, posebno Bošnjacima. Gospodina Parentia podržavaju samo negatori genocida koji rade u službi srpsko-nacionalističke politike.
Institut za istraživanje genocida Kanada poziva sve prijatelje istine o zločinima u Bosni i Hercegovini i prijatelje pravde za žrtve tih zločina da odmah pošalju pismo na Lone Star College, Kingwood, Texas,
Pismo koje trebate samo potpisati i poslati
Dear John J. Theis,
I am deeply concerned with your decision to host Dr. Michael Parenti as a guest speaker for the May 31st fundraiser. Dr. Parenti, a self-proclaimed “Balkan Revisionist” and author of To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia explicitly denies that genocide, systematic rape of women and girls and ethnic cleansing ever took place in BiH. Dr. Parenti places the blame on Bosniaks for the Genocide in Srebrenica and other massacres that took place throughout the war of aggression on BiH.
As a result of his denial, Dr. Parenti has publicly disregarded that approximately 50,000 Bosniak women were raped during the three year war of aggression on BiH. The rapes were in fact used as an official Serb policy for ethnic cleansing. To this day, his outrageous claims have not been supported by internationally accepted evidence but only by other genocide deniers. His conspiracy theories are in direct conflict with the official rulings by the International Court of Justice, the International War Crimes Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia, as well as various declarations from the United States Congress, Canadian Parlimanet and the European Parliament.
I hope that you will agree that having Dr. Parenti speak would be highly inappropriate and contrary to the mission of your organization which strives to promote peace and justice.
I urge you to stand up for justice and truth and reject all affiliation with Dr. Parenti and his work.
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Protesno pismo bošnjačkih organizacija u Sjevernoj Americi u vezi predavanja negatora genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini Parenti