November 20, 2014.
The Letter of protest of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada regarding the shameful, unconditional release of the war crimes criminal Vojislav Seselj
President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Theodor Meron
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
The Special Reporter on the independence of judges and lawyers to the United Nations, Gabriela Knaul
Political Directors of the Peace Implementation Council for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Members of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Dear Excellencies,
After eleven and a half years of detention Vojislav Šešelj, who is charged with crimes against humanity and violations of the laws or customs of war in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Vojvodina by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia was the first war crimes indictee (defendant) who was unconditionally released on temporary freedom. On behalf of the victims of the aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and genocide against its citizens, in the name of many Americans and Canadians, friends of the truth about the aggression and genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina and friends of justice for the victims of these crimes on behalf of numerous organizations for protection of human rights and freedoms in North America, the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada {IGC} sends you a letter of protest on the occasion of improper release of indicted war criminal Vojislav Šešelj.