ACTION ALERT:Parenti Must Be Stopped

North American Bosniaks  protest invitation to speaker Dr. Michael Parenti, denier of the Bosnian Genocide and History Revisionist

Injustice doesn’t only hurt the victims and survivors of Bosnian Genocide. It hurts the Holocaust survivor, it hurts every refugee that ever had to flee their home due the aggresor’s decision to punish them only because they were different weather that be skin color, religion, ethnic background or sexual orientation. We kindly ask President and of Program Advisor of Lone Star Campus do not allow the spread of hate and allow Bosniaks to feel that Texas along with their intelectual institutions still stand for Southern hospitality and sense of pride and justice for every ethnic group.

Parenti, a self-proclaimed “Balkan Revisionist” and author of To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia explicitly denies that genocide, systematic rape of women and girls and ethnic cleansing ever took place in BiH.Dr. Parenti places the blame on Bosniaks for the Genocide in Srebrenica and other massacres that took place throughout the war of aggression on BiH. As a result of his denial, Dr. Parenti has publicly disregarded that between 20,ooo and 50,000 Bosniak women were raped during the three year war of aggression on BiH. The rapes were in fact used as an official Serb policy for ethnic cleansing. To this day, his outrageous claims have not been supported by internationally accepted evidence but only by other genocide deniers. His conspiracy theories are in direct conflict with the official rulings by the International Court of Justice, the International War Crimes Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia, as well as various declarations from the United States Congress and the European Parliament.

Institute for Research of Genocide Canada invites all friends of truth about the atrocities in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the friends of justice for the victims of these crimes to immediately send the letter to Lone Star College, Kingwood, Texas

The letter that you need only sign and send to the email address: – President of Lone Star Campus – Program Advisor


Dear Katherine Person

Dear John. J. Theis

I am deeply concerned with your decision to host Dr. Michael Parenti as a guest speaker. .Dr. Parenti, a self-proclaimed “Balkan Revisionist” and author of To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia explicitly denies that genocide, systematic rape of women and girls and ethnic cleansing ever took place in BiH.Dr. Parenti places the blame on Bosniaks for the Genocide in Srebrenica and other massacres that took place throughout the war of aggression on BiH.

As a result of his denial, Dr. Parenti has publicly disregarded that approximately 50,000 Bosniak women were raped during the three year war of aggression on BiH. The rapes were in fact used as an official Serb policy for ethnic cleansing. To this day, his outrageous claims have not been supported by internationally accepted evidence but only by other genocide deniers. His conspiracy theories are in direct conflict with the official rulings by the International Court of Justice, the International War Crimes Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia, as well as various declarations from the United States Congress and the European Parliament.

All genocide deniers directly undermine peace and justice because the only way to peace and reconciliation is to acknowledge the truth and punish those responsible. Dr. Parenti’s work and constant expression of denial is damaging to the healing process of the survivors of the genocide in BiH and I urge you to stand up for justice and truth and reject all affiliation with Dr. Parenti and his work.


Protest letter of the World Bosniak Congress

More: Protest letter of World Bosniak Congress

Protest letter of the Bosniak organisations in North America – Dr Michael Parenti at the Lone Star College Kingwood

More: Letter regarding genocide denier Parenti

Protest letter of the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada – Dr Michael Parenti at the Lone Star College Kingwood

More:Protest letter of the Institute for Research of Genocide, Canada for request not to proceed with the invitation of Mr. Michael Parenti

Protest letter of the Bosniak Cultural Association Prepord, Sarajevo, B&H

More: Protest letter of the Bosniak Community Culture Association Prepord,

Protest letter of the Canadian Bosniak Community

More: Protest letter of the Bosniak Canadian Community

Protest letter of the Bosniaks Association Lily, Dallas

More: Protest letter of the Bosniaks Association Lily, Dallas

Protest letter of the Center of Contemporary Initiative, Austrian

More: Protest letter of the Center of contemporary Austrian initiative

Protest letter of the Bosnian Academic Cicle

More: Theis

Protest letter of the Australian Council of Bosnian Herzegovina Organizations in Australia

More: Protest letter of the Australian Council of Bosnian Organisations

Protest letter of the Bosnian organizations from Netherlands

More: Bosnian organisations from Netherlands

Protest letter of Professor Dr Smail Cekic – Dr Michael Parenti at the Lone Star College Kingwood

More:Protest letter of professor dr. Smail Cekic for request not to proceed with the invitation of Mr. Michael Parenti.docm

Protest letter of the Professor Emir Ramic

More: Protest letter of Professor Emir Ramic

Protest letter of  Dr Hariz Halilovic – Dr Michael Parenti at the Lone Star College Kingwood

Dr Michael Parenti at the Lone Star College Kingwood

Protest letter of the Association Women Victims of War – Dr Michael Parenti at the Lone Star College Kingwood

More: Protest letter of the Association Women Victims of War for not request to proceed with the invitation of Mr. Michael

Protest letter of Aamir Qureshi Dr Michael Parenti at the Lone Star College Kingwood

More: Protest letter of Aamir Qureshi

Protest letter of Carlos R. Steiner – Dr Michael Parenti at the Lone Star College Kingwood

More: Protest letter of Carlos R. Steiner for not request to proceed with the invitation of Mr. Michael Parenti

Protest letter of Zeljko Milicevic –  Dr Michael Parenti at the Lone Star College Kingwood

More: Protest letter of Zeljko Milicevic for not request to proceed with the invitation of Mr. Michael

Speech by prominent war-crimes denier Michael Parenti cancelled by American – Canadian Peace Group, May 2012

Letters to Lone Star College President

Reply to Katherine Persson, Ph.D. Lone Star College – Kingwood President